Company Information

Company Information

Totan Kako Co.,Ltd. has become independent company having been separated from Toyo Tanso Co.,Ltd. in December 1984 and new plant was built at present site.

Since then Totan Kako has been operated as an integrated plant for the development and production of electrical carbon brushes.

Carbon brushes are important components used by various types of motors, which are widely used by home appliances such as vacuum cleaners and power tools with the excellent satisfaction of customers.


We have an actual production record over 10million pieces per month in the past and brush materials have been globally supplied to overseas subsidiary companies.

Based on the enhancement of research and development, Totan Kako has been addressing the products for new application such as carbon-based heat diffusion components other than electrical brush products.


All employees shall understand and respect the five watchwords of the company, "wholehearted effort", "conformity to harmony and cooperation", ingenuity", "carrying out one's word", and "fighting spirit and the acceptance of challenges" and shall continue to develop new and high-quality products and wish to contribute to create the promising society.


Totan Kako Co., Ltd.

1335-22 Saitakami, Saita-cho, Mitoyo, Kagawa 769-0401, Japan
Tel: 81-875-67-2655 Fax: 81-875-67-3044
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